If you want to run a great business, you need to focus on the two R’s.

Results & Relationships.

Results are those things we can quantify…things that we measure as a means of deciding whether we won or lost.

Mediocre (or worse) business owners say they’re about results…but it’s a lie.

They’re about kicking the can down the road.

They host workouts and are quick to blame the client if they don’t show up or don’t see improvement.

They use the fine print of their contract to hold someone hostage rather than keeping clients happy by delivering the outcomes they want.

Those mediocre business owners are also the ones who don’t measure their own progress.

No tracking, no goals.

If you want to be successful, you’ve got to be able to deliver results to those your serve…and to yourself.

But results aren’t enough.

Business is also about relationships.

No relationships…no long-term success.

Let’s face it…we’re in the people business and everything we want to accomplish is centered on processes that require time.

Helping a client go from where they are to where they want to be isn’t an overnight thing…it takes time…

….and the relationship you develop with them is often what will carry them through.

And if you want to bring on a team member, the difference between them becoming great at what they do and pursuing it as a career rather than seeing it as a temporary job is the relationship you have.

But I’ll take it a step further…sometimes the result is the relationship.

Sometimes people simply want to be somewhere they feel important and valued.

They want to feel that they belong.

That might have been why they wanted to lose weight in the first place or it could be the most important characteristic they sought in a career.

So know that your job as an entrepreneur isn’t just to open the doors or keep things afloat.

It’s to produce results and develop relationships.

And doing just one won’t get it done.

So my recommendation to you is judge your progress as an owner on these two criteria if you want to avoid mediocre and strive for greatness.

P.S. – 6-Weeks of Coaching…Free.

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If so, email me here with ‘interested’ in subject line and we’ll set up a chat.