One of the biggest challenges I see fitness entrepreneurs face is what I call the BIG Balancing Act.

Balancing today’s needs with their long-term vision and goals.

Let’s assume I’m talking about you for a moment…

You have a vision for what you want your business to be and the lifestyle you want to have.

You know you need to tuck away some money for your future.

But you need to pay the bills today.

You need more leads…more clients…more revenue right now.


So you’re forced into the Balancing Act…trying to balance what has to get done today with what you really want.


We’ve all gone through it…and there’s nothing wrong with that.

But here’s the problem that I’ve seen time and time again:


Over time the long-term vision and goal gets lost and everything shifts to doing whatever can be done to get by this month…this week…today.


Well, I’m here to tell you that building what you want for the long-term and addressing today’s need do NOT have to be mutually exclusive.


If you get clear about what your Ideal Business looks like, then you can reverse engineer the steps to move toward it.


You have a clear map to get you there.

And if you need to do something that isn’t on the map to get by in the short term, you can do it but you acknowledge that it’s not part of the bigger plan and map out the step or two you’ll need to take to get back on track.

Let me give you an example so this doesn’t seem like just theory…

Let’s say that you need to generate some revenue fast but your Ideal Business Model is having 90% of your clients on monthly memberships. So you might do a Paid In Full offer to some of your clients to generate the revenue and it pulls you under that 90% in the short term…but you just need to have a clear plan to get back to 90% and to also avoid the spot that forced you to run the promo in the future.

We’ve all dealt with it…Paid in Full promos, Deal of the Day Offers…you name it. Offers that may not attract the type of clients we ideally want or promos that dip into our recurring revenue.

The key is in not letting that pull you permanently off track and turning your business into something that you do not want over the long-term.


By Pat Rigsby


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