Show Notes
- A lot can happen and change in a year
- 2020 was a mess
- Go through a goal achievement process
- Big goals are accomplished with small actions
- Set 1 or 2 major business goals for the next 12 months
- Monthly – What do you need to reach your goals?
- Weekly – How are you reaching your monthly goals?
- Daily – Plan your day
- Stay the course. Don’t be reactive. No shiny objects.
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Full Transcript
Pat Rigsby here. And in this episode, I want to talk with you about where you’re going to be in 2022. I know we’re just midway through 2021 right now, but I think it’s important that we don’t focus only on where we’ve been and the struggles we’ve had, but on where we want to go. So we’re going to address that in this episode,
Welcome to the fitness business school with Pat Rigsby, the podcast for fitness entrepreneurs who want to make more income, have greater impact, and enjoy more freedom in their ideal business. If you’d like an accelerated route to these goals, email me at [email protected] and put BGA in the subject line and I’ll get you all the details about our business growth accelerator program.
Wow. A lot can happen in a year. I mean, look at the past year, year and a half, and probably at the beginning of 2020, all the goals that you laid out, all the things that you were thinking about that you were focused on. It, it just got thrown into upheaval. It got, if you’re like me, it almost got a raced and you had to start over from scratch and you know, let’s face it. We, we dealt with some things that no other business owner in our lifetime has had to deal with, right? I mean, it’s just a completely Different landscape, but In most markets, things are opening up. Businesses are seeing a lot more a lot more traffic, a lot more interest. And you know, as I record this episode in mid 2021, I wanted to say, you know, I want to spend some time talking with you about where you’re going to be 12 months from today.
What is your business going to look like 12 months from today? Because I don’t know that a whole lot of people in our industry had been thinking about that. I don’t think that most people have been thinking much beyond, Hey, what am I going to be doing in the fall? What am I going to be doing? When the restrictions are led up in my market? When people can come back to a gym and not wear masks or whatever other benchmarks or milestones that you’ve been thinking about. But I haven’t talked to too many people thinking about, okay, where am I going to be in the middle of 20, 22? What is my business going to look like? How, how will I have recovered, evolved, improve, and adapted. So basically what I’m going to suggest that you do is go through this little goal achievement process that, that I tend to, to take my business through. I do something this at the beginning of every year, well actually I’d do it in December leading up to the year for my annual planning. We do it with clients. We, we, we plan great deal because let’s face it.
Big goals are accomplished with smaller actions, planned intentional actions. And if you don’t have a plan, you’re probably not going to stumble your way into where you want to be. You’re probably not going to back yourself into state. So 12, 12 months is going to pass pretty quickly. It it’s going to go by faster than you think. So my recommendation is set one or two, two major business goals for the year. Now I talk a lot about creating your ideal business and talking personal professional. Right now I’m just focusing on the business side of things. So one or two major goals for the year, maybe it’s a revenue number and a personal income number. Maybe it’s a number of total clients and a number, but set a couple and figure out, get clear. Don’t just, you know, kind of throw something out there and say, well, I want to do $50,000 a month. I want to get to a point where we’ve got 400 clients actually look at it and figure out what, what it’s going to mean to your business, what it might take to get there. You know, it’s always interesting to me when people set goals, they’ll, they’ll say, okay, I made $50,000 last year. I want to make, you know, I, I want to make $500,000 next year. I’m like, do you even understand the, the, the fact that those two businesses, a $50,000 annual business and a $500,000 a year business, they don’t look at all. Like you’re going to have to do completely different things. Your role is going to be completely different.
So I want you to spend a little bit of time and get clear about these one or two major goals. What they actually are, what, what they’re going to mean to you, and maybe what it’s going to take to account publish those, right? So don’t overwhelm yourself with this huge list of goals. We talked about this with two dues instead of having priorities, same thing, fewer allow for a much greater level of focus, and then let’s break it down monthly. What do we have to have to do to achieve this goal month by month? Now we’ll do quarterly planning with clients, but I want you to things down on a monthly basis. If you feel like, Hey, I’ve got a a hundred clients now, and I want to be at hundred a year from now. Well, we need to know month by month. How many clients do I need to, to add net, how many consultations or success sessions or trials do I need to get that? How many leads do I need to get that number of consultations or trials? So you need to know what, what, what is going to be necessary in order to keep you on track. The monthly goals may change throughout the year, depending on the pace that you’re going and the seasonality of things, but they should all be leading you towards the destination that you want to arrive at. And then let’s break it down weekly. Like what needs to happen weekly to hit those monthly goals. If you need 20 leads a month, then we know that we need five leads each and every week, that’s our benchmark. And if one lead we get three, then that means the next week we need seven.
So really get clear about what needs to happen on a weekly basis. And then finally plan your day. I mean, it’s not a surprise at all that we need to get things down to a daily kind of granular level, but what’s amazing to me is how few people do it, how many people are reactive throughout the way, and then surprisingly disappointed when they don’t achieve those bigger milestones that they’ve set out. I mean, the real key to making these big goals happen is setting these smaller goals or targets or milestones, whatever you’d like to call them along the way that keep you focused, that keep you on task, right? Big goals, small actions. And then if we have a method of operating a way to do things that we know is predictable, and we have simple kind of daily, weekly, and monthly benchmarks that keep us from drifting to keep us from chasing shiny objects, we’re going to be so, so much better off, but let’s face it. You know, I mean, it’s time to stop being reactive. It’s time to start thinking about where we want to go in and really kind of actively pursuing that. Maybe it’s lead generation, maybe it’s systems installation. Maybe it’s doing a better job with follow-up marketing or sales conversions. Maybe it’s evolving your business in a different direction, but it’s not going to happen by accident. So use this simple planning process and really make sure that 2022 is everything you want it to be.
Thanks for listening to this episode of The Fitness Business School. And before you go, I have a quick announcement. When I first connect with a fitness business owner, they almost always ask me, “How can I get more leads or how can I get more clients?” Well, I have an exclusive offer for you and it’s going to help you do just that. As a listener of this show, you can test drive Fitness Lead Academy for six full weeks for just a dollar. Fitness Lead Academy is a one of a kind program where you get done-for-you marketing tools and coaching to attract more qualified prospects and convert them into paying clients. Imagine having three marketing emails written for you each and every week for easy-to-deploy promotions provided to you that are proven to convert and they’re ready to use and proven ads and social media posts given to you each and every month as well. Plus you have access to three weekly live video coaching sessions to help you with everything from dialing in your brand to navigating things like building funnels and getting ads approved. You get all of this and more when you join Fitness Lead Academy. And to prove that FLA can serve you as your virtual marketing department and not only save you plenty of time, but also consistently bring you more leads and clients, you can get access to the entire coaching program for six full weeks. Again, for just $1. If it delivers for you in the way that I expect it will, you can continue on for just $199 a month. So basically, just one additional client each month and you’re ROI positive. And I’m sure that if you apply what we give you, you’re going to get more than just one additional client each month. And you’re going to likely save at least 10 hours a month to take advantage of this special offer. Just go to to try it out for six full weeks. If it’s not what you’re looking for, you can cancel it any time.
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