Show Notes
The fall PRODUCER CHALLENGE starts September 6th, so mark your calendars and stay tuned!
Full Transcript
Hey Pat here. And in episode number three in this three part series on becoming a producer, we’re going to dive deep into the producer challenge. If you’d like to get involved with us, here’s what it entails and so much more. So let’s get started.
Welcome to The Fitness Business School podcast – the show for fitness business owners who want to grow their income, increase their impact and improve their lifestyle. Be sure to listen til the end of this episode, because we have a brand new special offer exclusive for listeners. So stay tuned.
So the producer challenge is something that, you know, I put together along with my team, way back in 2015. I had had some, some real success that I shared in video number two first with going and doing a site visit with a, an individual client, and then following up with them for a month and saying, okay, how can we give this person simple, easy to execute things and provide them some accountability to, to really become the producer for their business. Then kind of stress tested this with a group of what turned out to be 11 people. And the results were just as good 10 of the 11 had their best ever month in business. So in the fall of 2015, we rolled out a six week producer challenge. We had a great turnout, the results were powerful. So we started running these basically about twice a year. And I mean, the outcomes have been amazing. We guaranteed for the entire time we ran this producer challenge that everybody who participated would add at least $1,500 in new monthly revenue to their business in just six weeks or they could have their money back now of the people who completed the challenge and you run challenges yourself probably, or at least you have, and you know, not everybody complete, right, but everybody who completed the challenge.
So they fill it in our score board. We track everything to make sure that we’re giving them what they needed. They’re getting the results they wanted. 94% of the people who completed the challenge hit that benchmark or more. We’ve had people generate close to a hundred thousand dollars in new business in just six weeks. We’ve had dozens and dozens of people every time through in six weeks spans generate take 10, 20, 30, $40,000 in new business, whether that be contract value or, you know, several thousand dollars a month in monthly recurring revenue. In fact, we generated well over $17 million in new client business for the people participating in these. Now we stopped offering challenges like this fall of 2019, because we’re really focused on our business growth accelerator program. And then the pandemic hit. And obviously it was more of a, Hey, how do we keep our business solvent? How do we maintain success? So we re really kind of just huddled down with our current clientele and focused on getting them great results. And honestly, the results were pretty awesome. We had one client out of well over 200 active engaged clients, only ones business went under. And that was simply because they could execute our plan due to some franchise restrictions that they so fast forward to today.
We’ve decided that we’re going to open enrollment and a brand new producer challenge over a six week span. We’re going to work closely with you in a very interactive group coaching environment, where we’re going to provide accountability. We’re going to give you simple systems, tools, and tactics to implement things that are done for you. That you can just plug in on the spot. We’re going to coach you on how to sell more. We’re going to coach you on how to implement things each and every week that are going to feed your pipeline with new leads and feed your bank account with new revenue. It’s the simplest approach to business growth I’ve ever seen. Now before Warren, there a couple of things that I need to give you that are disclaimers.
Number one, this is not some high ticket offer, frankly. I mean, I have some great disdain for a lot of people. Who’ve never actually coached anybody to build a great business, telling you that they’re going to hit all these massive benchmarks folks that they’ve probably never even done themselves. So it’s not that if you’re looking for some pie in the sky promise in a Facebook ad where somebody is going to add a hundred new clients to your business in the next month, there’s something we’re not, we’re not that this is not at all that, in fact, I don’t even care if you run Facebook ads during this challenge, what I do care about is that you commit to playing offense. You commit to getting out of your comfort zone saying, you know what? I deserve this better. I deserve more personal income. I deserve my business to be stable and secure for me, for my family. I want to, you start on the path to building some wealth. I want to actually have the business I dreamed about when I went into business. And the only way that’s going to happen is if I take this producer mindset and deploy it in my own business, if you’re willing to do that, we’re going to give you everything that you need. And this stuff is as proven as it gets. In fact, I would be willing to argue. It’s the most proven coaching material in the fitness.
We’ve proven so much with the simple emails, simple text messages, easy ways to sell in a way that makes you feel good about selling because you know, you’re helping really, some really dropped dead, simple accountability and the coaching. You need to customize it to your own business because frankly, I don’t care. If you have a group training business, one-on-one, you’ve got a great facility or you train people in home, none of it matters. You can employ what we’re doing here in the producer challenge. Now you’re going to see on the sales page, the results that we’ve generated for other people, the, the guarantees that we offer, you’re going to see all the details of this. This is six weeks. We’re going to coach you through every step of the way.
And frankly, I think of this as we’re going to partner together to get you the results you want and lay the foundation for the long-term success that you want and deserve, but you’ve got to be willing to commit. And this is probably where I’m, I, I’m going to be giving a little tough love throughout this. We ask clients all the time, get out of your comfort zone, try something new, build these new habits that aren’t easy for you. Now we talk about these things, but these are our life. We’re asking people to kind of rearrange their life, do things that might not be simple for them, but we know the reward on the other side, if they do, I’m saying the same exact thing to you. Now, this isn’t always going to be simple and easy for you because it’s new. And sometimes you may feel a little bit uncomfortable getting out of your comfort zone and trying things that maybe you haven’t been doing for the past few months or maybe ever.
But guess what? We know the rewards on the other side, we’re going to show you plenty of case studies and examples of people. Who’ve already attain those things in the same thing as possible for you. You don’t need a big ad budget to do this. You don’t need a show piece facility. You don’t have to run somebody else’s playbook. We’re going to help you customize this to fit you so you can employ the systems that you need to have long-term success. So that’s it. If you want to be part of the producer challenge, if you want to join us and have me and my team provide you with the coaching, the accountability and the tools in a way that guarantees your success, you don’t need to go hire some $10,000 high ticket expert. You’re going to be able to do this for about what it costs to get one new client, which I promise you you’re going to get, or we’re going to give you your money Back.
Hey, thanks for listening. We’ve got this three part series where we’re really focused on becoming a producer and hopefully getting you to join us as partners in this upcoming producer challenge. So there’s a link below. If you’d like to learn more about the challenge, click it, and hopefully we can work together to help you build the business that you want.
P.S. – 6-Weeks of Coaching…Free.
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If so, email me here with ‘interested’ in subject line and we’ll set up a chat.