Show Notes
- When pat started his ideal business, he focused on helping people in a simple way
- He offered a program that guaranteed clients’ best months ever
- Everyone succeeded with his help
- The trick was accountability
- No one wants to report failure
- It makes people work harder
- If they didn’t succeed for the day, they were given help for the following day
- You don’t need a huge, complex program, just accountability for your clients
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Full Transcript
Hey, Pat Rigsby, and in this episode, I want to talk with you about how you can be more successful almost instantly in maybe the simplest possible fashion that I know. So I know that sounds enticing, so let’s get to it.
Welcome to the fitness business school with Pat Rigsby, the podcast for fitness entrepreneurs who want to make more income, have greater impact, and enjoy more freedom in their ideal business. If you’d like an accelerated route to these goals, email me at [email protected] and put BGA in the subject line and I’ll get you all the details about our business growth accelerator program.
You know, it’s been about six years ago that I started my current business, you know, that has things like our Ideal Business Mastermind and Business Growth Accelerator and Fitness Lead Academy is part of it. I had sold you know an organization. I had sold my stake in an organization that housed a number of different businesses. Education companies, franchises, you name it and was starting out on this path of building my ideal business. And honestly, I wasn’t a hundred percent sure what I wanted my first offering to be. And while I kind of unpacked that, I said, you know, I know what I want to do right now. I know I want to coach some people to do some, some really meaningful things, but I don’t want to have to craft a bunch of content. I want to take the knowledge I already have. I want to take a simple-to-execute format and put something out the door. So this starts to feel like a real business and not just an idea.
So I launched this little month-long program that was basically just me saying, have your best month yet. And I sent it out with one email and I said, okay, I’m going to guarantee you that over the next 30 or 31 days, you’re going to have your best month. The program was a thousand dollars and I’m guaranteeing that you’re going to have your best revenue month. And I said, I can take 10 people to do this. Well, I actually ended up getting 11 off that initial email and one follow-up email because I had a couple that came in at about the same time. So I just went ahead and took the 11 and of the 11, 10 had their best month ever. And actually the one who didn’t have their best month ever was a person that had a corporate wellness, corporate fitness that they had lost a contract on. And so their actual training business had their best month ever, but gross revenue wasn’t at its peak. So, you know, this program really was a neat experiment for me, because really all we did was give them some simple structure and daily accountability.
And the, the simple structure was this. I said, okay, every day at the end of the work day or the beginning of the next work day, depending on what it was more convenient for you, you’re going to text me how many new leads you got, how many success sessions or consultations you scheduled, how many success sessions or consultations you actually delivered? How many new clients or sales you closed and how much those sales were for, whether it be like recurring revenue or paid in full. And we walked through each of those steps and just told them, okay, this is what we’re trying to do. You’re just going to text me this at the end of the day. And if they, they texted me with a bunch of zeroes for a given day, most of the time, I would say, Hey, you know what, we’ll go get them tomorrow. And if it happened two days in a row, then we’ll hop on a quick call or with Voxer to one another and talk about what they needed to do to course correct. And just kind of solve the bottleneck or solve the problem they were having. And then if they did great would say, man, great job. Let’s do more of that tomorrow. What do you have lined up for tomorrow? We just reinforce the things that were going well to build on that moment. And that led to 10 of 11 established business owners having their best month ever. I mean, how much more simple could it be?
You know, we didn’t come up with some sort of magic lead generator. We didn’t come up with a completely different approach to doing sales. We didn’t run some crazy paid in full promotion to artificially inflate numbers. No, we, we basically said, okay, here’s the framework. These are the things that you need to be doing consistently. If you want to see good results, you’re going to be accountable to me to check in for him and let’s face it. Nobody wants to be checking in every day with zeros. Nobody wants to check in every day feeling like, you know, I lost today or I failed today, however they might interpret it.
Everyone wants to share their highlights. They want to share their successes. And so they’re a little bit more motivated. They’re going to push a little harder. They’re not going to put things off till tomorrow. And when we’d see a problem arise, then we’d just provide a solution to that problem. We wouldn’t inundate somebody with mountains and mountains of video to sift through, to try to find an answer would just say, Oh, you’re not getting any new leads. What did you do today to get new leads? Well, let’s go ahead and turn the dials a little bit and try something a bit different. You didn’t get your success sessions to show up. Well, here’s how we might confirm them differently. Or here’s how we might build a little bit more value. So they show and they don’t reschedule or no-show you all together. You, you sat down with three people today, but none of them bought, well, let’s just walk through your sales process and see if we can uncover any, any kind of stumbling blocks. You got some yeses, but maybe they didn’t. They didn’t buy the program. You hope that by, or maybe the, the, the pricing, isn’t what, you know, you’re not selling things at the price you want to sell that. Well, here’s how we can tweak our pricing and maybe sell it higher prices and generate more revenue for the work we’re doing.
And that was it. I mean, it’s simple as it can be now. Yeah. I I’ve put out dozens and dozens of offerings since then. I’ve you know, I I’ve had programs where we tried to scale that sort of thing up like the producer challenge. And there’s definitely a big element of that and the business growth, it accelerator and Alliance stuff that we do now. But the reason I wanted to talk with you about how simple success can be, because not only does this format work for a business owner needing to be a little bit more accountable and needing to maybe improve in areas that they’re not strong, but it works for your clients too. It works for the people that, that you want to help. You don’t need to give them, you know, 25 or 30 lessons on proper nutrition. You don’t need to give them a 200 page recipe book. Maybe they just need to check in with you every day and say, well, okay, this is what I had for breakfast. This is what I have for lunch. This is what I had for dinner. This is what I eat for snacks in between. And, or maybe it’s, you know what? I followed our plan or I didn’t. Okay. Well, where did you fall off track? Here’s how we can fix it.
You know, I think that that’s a lot of what’s missing in the, the, the industry as a whole, both on the side of the industry that I typically operate in that business to business where I’m coaching business owners, because let’s face it as a business owner. You don’t have a boss that is providing daily accountability for you to make sure that you did the things exactly like you needed to do them. And for clients. I mean, their accountability may be showing up to the workout, but when it comes to the, the things that they’re eating, the habits that maybe they need to change, they don’t have that same degree of accountability. And therefore that same degree of consistency that maybe they need to be successful.
So if you want success to be simpler for you, if you want success to be simpler for your clients, take a lesson from my kind of off the cuff program. The first one that I launched with this best month ever program that had probably results that any of us would be ecstatic with. I mean, getting 10 out of 11 people to reach a target that they had never reached before without a whole lot of prep and a whole lot of, you know, a whole lot of prerequisite education or anything like that. And, you know, I didn’t filter people with a bunch of qualifiers or anything. It basically, you know, it, it boiled down to let’s do the things that really matter consistently. And then when they don’t go the way we want we’ll course correct them when they do go the way we want, we’ll give you a high five and say, great job. Let’s do it again tomorrow. Do that. And you’ll see all the results of everybody involved.
Thanks for listening to this episode of The Fitness Business School. And before you go, I have a quick announcement. When I first connect with a fitness business owner, they almost always ask me, “How can I get more leads or how can I get more clients?” Well, I have an exclusive offer for you and it’s going to help you do just that. As a listener of this show, you can test drive Fitness Lead Academy for six full weeks for just a dollar. Fitness Lead Academy is a one of a kind program where you get done-for-you marketing tools and coaching to attract more qualified prospects and convert them into paying clients. Imagine having three marketing emails written for you each and every week for easy-to-deploy promotions provided to you that are proven to convert and they’re ready to use and proven ads and social media posts given to you each and every month as well. Plus you have access to three weekly live video coaching sessions to help you with everything from dialing in your brand to navigating things like building funnels and getting ads approved. You get all of this and more when you join Fitness Lead Academy. And to prove that FLA can serve you as your virtual marketing department and not only save you plenty of time, but also consistently bring you more leads and clients, you can get access to the entire coaching program for six full weeks. Again, for just $1. If it delivers for you in the way that I expect it will, you can continue on for just $199 a month. So basically, just one additional client each month and you’re ROI positive. And I’m sure that if you apply what we give you, you’re going to get more than just one additional client each month. And you’re going to likely save at least 10 hours a month to take advantage of this special offer. Just go to to try it out for six full weeks. If it’s not what you’re looking for, you can cancel it any time.
Just go to to get started.