Show Notes
- Many people really struggle with this
- Sell people what they want
- Too many only sell what they want themselves
- Show prospects how you can lead them to a dream result
- Ideally, give them a timeframe
- Learn what they believe is keeping them from results
- Address and solve those issues
- Reduce risk and get prospect to act now
- Make perceived value higher than cost
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Full Transcript
Hey, Pat Rigsby here and in this episode, I want to talk with you about crafting offers that attract your ideal client. Let’s get to it.
Welcome to The Fitness Business School podcast – the show for fitness business owners who want to grow their income, increase their impact and improve their lifestyle. Be sure to listen til the end of this episode, because we have a brand new special offer exclusive for listeners. So stay tuned.
A few weeks ago, I, along with my buddy and colleague Fred Zoller ran an offer creation workshop for a handful of our clients. And, you know, it was really obvious both in that environment. And when, what we see when people come into our coaching programs, it was really obvious that, you know, creating effective and enticing offers are, you know, it’s something that it, a lot of people struggle with. Fortunately, I think for me, this was something that, that, that I probably learned about very early on in my professional life. Actually, back when I was a college baseball coach, I read things about, you know, making attractive offers, having a USP, all these to types of things that might be more attractive to selling people what they want, or, you know, taking a, a, an offering, making it such that a prospect would be attracted to it. And I, and I think a lot of people maybe just haven’t been exposed to a lot of that. So I wanted to give you kind of five steps that, that I used to craft an offer. And admittedly, I, I didn’t invent much of any of this stuff I learned early on from guys like Roy Williams and Dan Kennedy and Jay Abraham, and have picked up a lot of ideas along the way. And I’ve seen some of my friends and some of my clients build incredible offers to build seven, a even nine figure businesses on the back of just, you know, one or two powerhouse offers.
And so the, the underlying kind of principle that I wanted to share before I get into like this five step process is making sure you’re actually selling what people want, because honestly, in our industry man, you’d be amazed at how many people just sell what they wanna sell. They, they, they assume the, the prospect understands everything. They like being in the gym. They like all this you know, all, all the things associated with this lean healthy fit lifestyle. So they just assume, well, everybody else should want this because I do. And, you know, I, I’ve had so many conversations with business owners over the years and they would just really kind of turn their nose up at the idea of learning from people like curves or Planet Fitness or CrossFit, or, you know, any of these other things that became very for, in some cases, a temporary period of time or some cases a really long period of time. And instead of saying, what can I learn about the value proposition they have about the offer they’re making, you know, they, they just wanted to shoot holes in it because these other people are having success and maybe they’re not enjoying so much. So the, the thing about all of those and pretty much any offer you’re gonna see that that is really effective is the business is selling what the prospect actually wants.
And so let’s walk through what I consider a real simplistic five step process. So you can sell what your prospects want. Now, the, the first step in this is show them how you’re going to give them a dream come true result. You have to focus on the result and not lead with the process. So many people want to say, Hey, I’m going to offer you three to days a week of, you know, training sessions that are 60 minutes. And you know, they’re at this time, this time and this time, and they’re, they’re, they’re very feature focused and don’t talk about, well, are they going to give you this desired outcome that you have? So focus on the dream come true result for the prospect. And ideally if you can give them a defined timeframe to get thereby it’s gonna be even more powerful because in our industry, a lot of times it’s been, yeah, we can help you lose weight. We’re not gonna tell you how long it’s gonna take or how often you’re gonna train or anything like that. But sure we can help. And, you know, people, I, I think we like certainty when we buy, right? If you were to go buy a new car, you wouldn’t just say, Hey, here’s some money.
Bring me whatever car you wanna bring me. And I’ll hope it’s something that I like, no, we wanna know what we’re gonna buy. A lot of times we want to, to test drive something. If we’re gonna buy a house, we’re gonna go walk through it, have an inspection, get to know it. If you know, if we are going to make any meaningful purchase, we want some certainty that it’s going to be what we want. We read reviews. We, we do a little bit of discovery. So first step in creating a great offer is show them how you’re gonna give them a dream come true result. And ideally with a specific deadline that they’re gonna get their bias. They know what to expect when it comes to their level of commitment, whether it be time, effort, or price, second, ask them, identify, learn what they believe. Now this is, this is a, a key here. What they believe is between them. And that result when I ask clients or when I ask somebody a, a kind of a sales series of questions, really the, the only two questions that I think matter a lot are what’s your dream come true result.
And what do you think has to change or happen for you to get there? And if you can idea, identify what they believe is between them and the result they want to achieve the things that they’ve not been able to do successfully in the past, the things that they struggle with, the obstacles that they have, you, you need to know where they’re at, because you may have a different opinion about what is between them and the result, but we need them to convince themselves that you are going to be that guide to take them from where they are to that place they wanna arrive at. So once you’ve identified, what they believe is between them and that dream come outcome, then each one of those kind of objections, if you will, we need to address each obstacle, each challenge with a solution. You need to show them how if being consistent is a problem, how you are going to help them get past that. If eating portly, when they’re busy is a problem, you need to show them how you’re gonna help them get past that. If fitting in workouts with a really hectic schedule is a problem.
You need to show them specifically how you’re going to address it. And then what we do is bundle all these things together, this really high value solution. Those are just, I didn’t say high ticket solution. It can be expensive, totally fine, but it needs to be valuable to them. It needs to be perceived as being valuable to them. I mean, frankly, it, we, we, as an industry, the, the training side of the tree probably don’t love planet fitness, but the value proposition’s pretty simple, right? You’re getting access to millions of dollars worth of stuff for $10 a month. You’re getting unlimited 24 7 access to equipment that you could never afford to buy yourself. And it’s all clean and take care of. And it’s convenient because it’s available to you 24 hours a day, and you get it for $10 a month. Even if all this is, is renting access to stuff, you know, you’re getting it for the cost of a couple cups of coffee each month. So create your high value solution. And then if we want to really take things, a step further, step five is reduce the risk for the prospect to get them to act, act.
Now give them a, any back guarantee, give them a result guarantee, give them a love it or leave it, test drive of what you offer, but really that’s it. Those are the five components of what I consider to be great offers. And like I said, these are things that, I mean, you saw guys like, you know, Dan Kennedy or even the great copywriters, like Joe Sugarman, who, who just passed away or you know, I mean, all these people, they, they understood that, yeah, people want a result. People, you know, the bullet points in every sales letter, really just addressing each of those obstacles that, that hang people up, the bonuses are often just addressing those obstacles that people get stuck on, that they feel like are the gap between where they are and where they want to be. So we are going to really address it the same way that a great copy writer would, but we’re going to do it with our program and our local business or our online business. And then we’re gonna bundle it together in this solution that no matter what you charge, the perceived value in the mind of the, the prospect has to be higher. And then we’re going to reduce the risk or create some urgency to get them to act now. And ideally, maybe even do both, right, have a deadline, have an incentive to buy now, offer a guarantee. So they feel more comfortable and confident, and you’ve got a powerhouse offer. So if you’ve not been getting enough of the people that you connect with to say yes, if you you’ve not been getting enough people excited about what you do, there’s your five step plan to create a great offer.
Thanks for listening to this episode of The Fitness Business School. Before you go, I have a quick announcement. When I first connect with a fitness business owners, they almost always asked me, how can I get more clients or make more money? Well, I have an exclusive offer for you, and it’s gonna help you do just that. As a listener of this show, you can test drive our business growth accelerator coaching program for FREE.
BGA is a one of a kind program where you get done-for-you marketing tools and a level of coaching that is unmatched in our industry to help you attract more qualified prospects and convert them into paying clients, ultimately making you more revenue and personal income.
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