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Full Transcript
Hey, Pat Rigsby here and in today’s episode, I wanna talk with you about celebrating. Let’s get to it.
Welcome to the Fitness Business School podcast, the show for fitness business owners who want to grow their income, increase their impact and improve their lifestyle. Be sure to listen to the end of this episode because we have a brand new special offer exclusive for listeners. So stay tuned.
One of the things that I think that we really struggle with as small business owners is celebrating our wins, right? And I think that we probably could do so much better in celebrating milestones that are wins, celebrating behaviors that are wins for us, for our clients, for our team members, and we just
don’t do it. And I think that it’s a mistake. I would tell you that in hindsight, that the time that I have spent coaching, like the time I spent coaching college baseball, we won a lot of games. We won more than twice as many games as we lost. And I probably actually enjoyed, like two of them. Two of the games that I probably ever coached, college baseball coach I probably enjoyed. It was probably one of those things where the wins were like a relief, and the losses were excruciating.
You know it. Now, I’ll even tell you as a youth baseball coach, the wins are fun. The time with the kids are fun, but the losses still probably bugged me a little bit because I hate to see the kids struggle, even though I know that they’ll be over it pretty soon, in most cases. But that’s it. Like, there are plenty of things that don’t go our way that we just have to deal with as business owners, as people. So when things do go our way, when things turn out the way we want, man, we, we should celebrate the heck out of that stuff because it improves culture, right? Like, people like to be in an environment where they’re happy, where it’s fun, it keeps people motivated, it makes the process more enjoyable. Like I love the people that I see in our industry have the things like frequent sweaters, clubs or celebrating people for their hundredth workout or number of years together or whatever else, celebrating the things they’re doing instead of haggling over the
things they aren’t doing.
Man, we spend a lot of time badgering people if they miss a couple sessions because we don’t want those people to leave, but maybe we should spend more time celebrating when they do come. So they’ll be more excited about coming because they like that positive feedback. And celebrating increases focus,
right? Like, we want to do things we’re good at, and typically, we’re not always good at things when we initially begin doing them. So we need to celebrate those wins. It just kind of keeps that momentum going. It has that snowball effect. And boy has it taken me a long time to figure that out. I mean, I’ve
been way better at it over the last handful of years, and I, I literally coach myself on this at least every week. Celebrate the wins, enjoy the journey, because really the journey is all we have.
The destination is not really a destination, it’s just a milestone because after you get there, you gotta keep going. Enjoy the journey. Make sure you’re celebrating every event that you can, because celebration isn’t really an event. It’s a habit. It’s a way that we respond to things going well. And I think that we could do so much more with that. I know from my, from my case, like I said it’s one of those things where I love seeing people celebrate those, those little incremental
kind of steps of progress. I love seeing people proud of their weekly wins. Like in our coaching program we ask people to set three weekly action items. And every week when, when we go over those, like I want people to say, Hey, if I got three out of three, man, I am ecstatic.
If I got two out of three, I should be pretty happy. Because these are things, the action items are things to move you forward, not things to just sustain where you are. And if you can knock out a couple things every week to move you forward, that’s wonderful. So if you are not spending time celebrating the
things that are going well for you, I would encourage you to kind of take a beat and review your past week. If you’re not planning your week and reviewing it at the close, start doing that. Review the things that went right. Be happy about it. Don’t be one of those folks that downplay it, that it’s like, yeah, I got
a couple new clients, but, or this went well, but no, you know what? I got a couple new clients and that’s awesome. I can’t wait to help them achieve their goals. I know this is gonna be great for them and I’m excited to work with them. Celebrate the wins. There’s always gonna be something that, that happens
that doesn’t go go our way, right? A a marketing campaign’s not gonna work like we wanted. Pipe’s gonna burst there, there’s gonna be something and that’s gonna come. So when things do go your way, enjoy it. Take advantage of it. Celebrate it.
Thanks for listening to this episode of The Fitness Business School.
Before you go, I’ve got a quick announcement. When I first connect with fitness business owners, they almost always ask me how I can get more clients and make more money. Well, I’ve got an exclusive offer for you and it’s gonna help you do just that.
And as a listener of this show, I would love to invite you to a conversation where you and I can talk about our new program, the Business Growth Sprint.
The Business Growth Sprint is a one-of-a-kind program where you get everything you need.
We actually work with you one-on-one, unlimited, one-on-one coaching and support.
We design a marketing plan for you. We give you assets to execute the plan.
It’s unmatched in our industry between the level of coaching, the frequency of accountability, the simple step-by-step nature and the completeness of how it’s gonna guide you to making more money and improving your personal income fast.
Imagine having every tool, template, ad, and script that you need all ready-to-use. Plus you’re going to get one-on-one access with me and the other coaches on my team to make sure that everything from your business growth plan to your marketing and sales system is done, turnkey, ready to go.
And what’s great is there is zero risk. We guarantee that you are going to add at least $4,000 a month in recurring revenue, or $20,000 a month cash collected as part of this program in just four months.
So if you are interested, if you’d like to discuss and see if this is a fit, just shoot me an email at [email protected] and put Sprint in the subject line and I’ll get you all the details.