Rick Streb generated a gross revenue of over $203,000 in just 10 months!
Watch him share his story in this short video…

I run my own training facility in a town of less than 1500 people, so it’s always a challenge. I had developed nutrition software, Pro Diets, and I’d been trying to get it out and launch it to trainers. That’s when I decided reach out to Pat and set up a time to go meet with him. I wanted to start talking with him about how to roll that out to trainers and start making a second income and a continuity income. I visited with Pat and, within about an hour and a half, the whole direction of where we were going with this changed completely. He brought complete clarity to me, to what I was trying to do, and literally took it a different direction that I am completely thankful. I cannot say enough about it.
He brought complete clarity to me, to what I was trying to do, and literally took it a different direction that I am completely thankful.
I wasn’t quite sure how to take it to that next level. I knew that I was going to need help and need somebody that was smarter than me to lead me in that direction. But, like I said, we ended up going a completely different direction with the business and now what I was originally planning to have as my primary intention has turned into a secondary part of the business.
I’ve known Pat for a while and we’ve had conversations at other events before. Pat has always come across as very real, very genuine, which I respected. He was just very easy to talk to and was very open with everything he was doing. There was completely transparency with him, which was just wonderful. It was refreshing. I couldn’t ask for more.
I’ve gone to different events and they usually turn out to be nothing but big pitch fests sales events where anything I’ve ever been to with Pat it’s been true genuine content and he’s always been there to help people and to move them forward in their business.
“…with Pat it’s been true genuine content and he’s always been there to help people and to move them forward in their business.”
Basically, the originally program was the five different profit centers that I make money with nutrition in my business. Pat was like, “Rick, you’ve got something there that nobody else has and something that everybody is interested in. You need to package together and put together the blueprints for all the ways you make money in your facility with nutrition.” That’s the direction the whole thing went as opposed to trying to launch a software.
When I went down there, the nutrition software might have been making $1500-2000 a month with trainers, so really nothing in the grand scheme of things. Sat down with Pat, we put together the whole blueprint and everything, decided exactly what the product was going to be. We launched it in November. From then until the end of September the following year—so 10 months—it generated gross revenues of just over $203,000!
Honestly, it was life changing. It has completely changed my entire life. I’m able to do things now with my daughter that I’ve never been able to do before. Last March, we went on vacation down to Universal Studios. I got the VIP package there, which Pat kind of told me about because he’s a big Disney fan—$4500 for an entire day just to have a guy take us around. That’s a lot of money, but it wasn’t anything I had to worry about. We can take off and travel when and where we want now.
It has completely changed my entire life. I’m able to do things now with my daughter that I’ve never been able to do before.
It’s opened up so many avenues as far as my ideal life. My ideal life is to be able to spend as much time with my daughter as I can and I built everything around her. This has made it so much easier. I am no longer a slave to my training facility wondering how I’m going to come up with my next client, how I’m going to have to keep running Facebook ads to generate leads, and work all hours of the night. This business that Pat helped me put together and guided me by the hand, I literally work four-hour a week on it tops. It’s generated over $200,000 in 10 months.
It makes me feel so relieved. Like I said, I live in a small town of less than 1500 people. You always have to be working hard to keep a training facility going in a facility like this. Even though I had the nutrition dialed in here, you still have to do it. Well, now I don’t have to worry about it. If the training business, for some reason, slacks off, I’ve got something else that is generating a tremendous amount of income. In the grand scheme of things, it’s even more profitable because there’s a lot less working parts, a lot less overhead. My daughter says, “Dad, can I do this?” and I can do it. When she got her driver’s permit, I was able to go out and buy her a car, a brand new car, and pay cash for it. I would have never dreamed of that before.
Yeah, it has put me in a position to do things I never dreamed of, to put a lot more money away for her college, and for my retirement, which wasn’t a realistic thing to even consider 10 months ago.
It’s peace of mind that it’s delivered to me.
This is something that I’m letting it build up for my daughter’s future. Well, to me, that’s not as important to the rest of the world. I’m pretty straight forward and everything. As far as personal finances, no, I’m not the type to go and flaunt it and do things like that. I can tell you, this has truly been life changing. We just launched product last week and I literally disclosed my financial statements in the sales page to show people how life changing this can be.
Working with Pat, it’s like a dream come true. I guess the best way to explain it is I’m in several different groups for fitness professionals, Facebook groups. One day, one of the groups, somebody asked, “If you could only have one tool to work with to build your business and had to get rid of everything else you used, what would it be?” My answer in that group was I would get rid of everything except Pat Rigsby. Plain and simple.
He’s very readily assessable. He is the type he will lead you in the right direction. When you need that swift kick in the butt, he will give it to you, but he’ll do it with love. I mean, I’ve come to know that about Pat. He’s always there for you. He wants to see you excel. I think that’s his greatest joy quite honestly is watching the people he works with do really, really well. I honestly, truly believe that is the reason he does what he does.
Do you want to take your business to the next level? Do you want to be successful? Do you want to be able to live your ideal life and let your business serve that? Then, this is a no brainer. Quit stepping on your own feet, quit being afraid of things that aren’t real, and just let Pat help you. It was the best investment I’ve ever made in my life. That is the one thing I will never give up—having Pat as a mentor. It means that much to my personal life, my business life, and just everything about me. Having Pat as a part of your circle of influence is probably one of the best decisions you could ever make.
Quit stepping on your own feet, quit being afraid of things that aren’t real, and just let Pat help you. It was the best investment I’ve ever made in my life.
In a few words if I had to describe Pat Rigsby to somebody, I would say father first, friend, and mentor. With Pat, it is genuine caring. He doesn’t treat you any different than he does his own family. Pat cares about everybody he works with. It’s genuine. There’s no mistaking it.
If I could say only one thing to Pat it would be… “Thank you. You changed my life.”
When needed, he will get in and do some of the work for you. He holds you accountable. He’ll give you that swift kick, but he does it with love and he does it in a way that he wants to see you be successful. I’ve never taken any of Pat’s critiques of me harshly because I know he’s doing it to push me in the right direction. That’s where he feels his success—in seeing us succeed.