“Since last year, Becky Fox has already doubled her income.
Watch her share her story in this short video…
I’ve been working with Pat Rigsby for the past year. I knew one of the biggest things for me was that I had run a business before and I was really scared of failing again. I did it four years and I knew coming into this, I was like, “You know, I don’t want to do the same thing again. I don’t want to make the same mistakes.” I knew I needed to do something different and that’s when I decided to work with Pat as a business coach.
“You know, I don’t want to do the same thing again. I don’t want to make the same mistakes.”
He had a good reputation in industry. I’d heard of him before, but I’d never hired him before when I’d run my other business, so I was like, “I don’t want to fail again. I’ve got to do something different. So, let’s seek out a coach and do it the right way this time.”
I had read a lot of his stuff. He’s really great at writing emails. I heard about him through the grapevine and it just seemed like a good fit. He had a good reputation. His stuff really resonated with me, so I was like, “Well, let’s give it a try.”
I knew I had to do something different and that I wanted to be successful this time. I always hear that people who are successful have coaches. It’s the same thing I do with my clients. I coach them to be successful and I thought “why I’m I not doing the same thing?”
It’s the same thing I do with my clients. I coach them to be successful and I thought “why I’m I not doing the same thing?”
You’re investing a lot of money in this. And, at the time, I wasn’t making as much, so it was like, “Wow. This is a commitment of money I have to spend every month. But, the way I always look at it is, I try to not let that fear get to me. I said, “You know what? If it’s going to help me to grow and make more money, then it’s always worth the money.”
I always try to look at, “Okay. Well, if this investment every month is going to turn into two, three, four times more income a month, it’s definitely worth it.”
“Well, if this investment every month is going to turn into two, three, four times more income a month, it’s definitely worth it.”
I think one of the great things about Pat is, he is really good at just simplifying things and directing you towards your path and not letting you get all over the place. I guess he’s really good at just making things simple and keeping you focused.
I know for me, I’m one of those people that tend to think like, “Oh, I can do it all, so I can start an online business and a local business, and do all these things all at one time.,” But sometimes it’s way too much. Then, you’re like, “I want to help everybody. I want to help women of all ages and people that have injuries and people that want to be better at sports or whatever it is.”
What he’s really good at is helping you to focus on what you need to do. So, for me, it helped me to say, “You know what, I really need to focus on getting my local business going and getting it running before I try to do all these other things.” Also, even with my members, it really helped me to start focusing on things like, “Who do I want to work with? Who do I like working with? What kind of market can I do after?” instead of trying to be that person that helps everybody. It helps you to narrow in on who your market is, which makes everything else easier, so you can market better, you can start working with people you enjoy working with instead of people you’re like, “I wish they weren’t here.”
You can market better…you can start working with people you enjoy working with…
It really just makes everything easier because you’re very focused. You know what you want. You know what you’re doing, whether it’s in your business or who you want to work with and it makes it really easy to do all the steps and do everything you need to implement to really be successful in the long run.
And I would definitely say stress is lower because the more you can simplify something, the more specific plan you can have and the better you’re going to be. Because when you’re using a lot of energy just to figure out what you’re doing, or you’re trying to do too many things at once, you really never get anything done because you’re all over the place. You’re tired and you’re stressed out and you’re never really good at one thing because you’re trying to do all these different things at the same time. I know for me it definitely helped me to feel more energized and more focused and to really put everything I had into one thing.
I know for me it definitely helped me to feel more energized and more focused…
It actually made me feel like I had less to do because now it’s like, “Oh, well, I’m just focusing on this one thing. I don’t have 50 million things I need to do today. I only have maybe 10 million instead.” It just lightens your load and it makes you feel like that to-do list is a little shorter, which is definitely always a nice thing. Just to feel like you have more focus on what you’re doing so you’re not spending energy trying to figure out what that is.
Now, I’m finishing up on my second year in business and I joined with Pat’s Mastermind about a year in. Since last year, I’ve already doubled my income. We only still have a few months left this year, so I’ve doubled my income already from last year with more to come. So, financially wise, that’s really helped a ton.
Since last year, I’ve already doubled my income. We only still have a few months left this year, so I’ve doubled my income already from last year with more to come.
I’ve been able to hire two employees, and I’m working on my third one at this point, so it’s really helped me to leverage my business. Also, it’s allowed me to be able to go to the Mastermind meetings and go to events and things like that because it’s not just me running the business. It’s allowed me to have a little bit more free time with that as well because now I can delegate things and I can actually go, “Hey, I’m going to take Sunday off and have a day to myself.”
Financially wise, time wise, and even just feeling more confident, because like I said, I have failed before and I was really scared about doing that again. I almost didn’t want to start my business again because I was like, “Oh gosh. What if I fail again?” Even just, it’s allowed me to be more confident because now I have a little bit more of a plan and I have more systems in place. Now, I can do things and I know it will bring in more clients.
I can just implement this strategy that I learned from Pat and I know that it’s going to have some kind of return and it’s going to help grow my business.
I can just implement this strategy that I learned from Pat and I know that…it’s going to help grow my business.
It’s like you learn how to say, “Hey, I need some clients. I can turn it on and say…let’s just run this challenge or this promotion and know it’s going to bring people in.”
I didn’t even have employees before, so now my clients are seeing employees and they understand that it’s part of growing. I think they like it because there gets to a point where I cannot be everything to everybody. Now, if they need help with something techy, I send them to my admin.
Then, having another person that’s helping me to hold them accountable and that means there’s two of us looking over all our members. I think it’s really helped them to stay on track better and they’re really excited because we’re always adding new and different things.
I didn’t even used to do challenges, so now we’re doing challenges and they get really excited. When our last one finished up, they were like, “When’s the next challenge? I cannot wait to do it.” Just learning how to implement challenges not only as a way to bring in members, but also as a way to keep our current members engaged.
When they get excited and they refer their friends in and then they stick around for longer. We’re coming up on almost two years, so we’ve got members that have been here a year, a year and a half, coming up on two years. It’s great that they want to stick around that long instead of like, “Contract’s up. I’m going to leave now.”
I don’t think I could have accomplished this without Pat. I mean, I have drive and I definitely would be doing okay. But I probably wouldn’t be anywhere close to where I was last year. I’ve learned so much stuff to implement in my business. It’s really helped me to be focused.
I don’t think I could have accomplished this without Pat… I probably wouldn’t be anywhere close to where I was last year.
If you’re not working with a coach, you definitely need to be working with a coach. People hire us to coach, to help them. I kind of feel at the same time, we should be doing the same thing. And I know sometimes the investment can be scary but, again, you got to look at it as, “Hey, I’m investing in myself. I’m investing in my business. Sometimes I need that outside opinion or the outside suggestion of how to do things better in my business.”
Just like we help keep our clients focused, sometimes we need somebody to help us stay on track and keep us focused and wrangle us in when we’re getting off track. You’re really investing in yourself and your business in a way that’s going to grow it faster than it would if you just try to do it on your own.
You’re really investing in yourself and your business in a way that’s going to grow it faster than it would if you just try to do it on your own.
You’re going to have way more success because you’re going to learn a lot of things that maybe you might have not learned on your own. Or, it might take you a couple years to learn instead of a couple months. If you’re not sure and you’re worried about the investment, I can tell you that you’re going to get it back. If it’s a money thing that you’re worried about, just forget it because if you do what he tells you to do, you’re going to get results.
“…if you do what he tells you to do, you’re going to get results.”
It’s really good to just have that outside person to look in. Someone that’s seeing it from the outside—because we can sometimes get caught up in where we’re at or how we think things are. We don’t always see what’s really going on. So, sometimes, we need somebody else to give us that outsider view and get us back on track or get us more focused or tell us that we shouldn’t be doing that. It’s really helpful in that sense. I would absolutely recommend working with a coach if you’re not already and Pat’s an awesome person to choose.
Pat is thoughtful and caring. I mean, he cares about you. You don’t just feel like it’s a transaction. He wants to see you successful. He’s like a friend. We go to our Mastermind meetings and he’ll take us out to dinner and he’ll spend extra time talking with you. It’s not like, “Oh, my time’s up. Mastermind’s over. See you next time.” He really wants to get to know everybody. He really wants to make sure that we’re successful and I just really feel like he actually cares about his members.
He really wants to make sure that we’re successful and I just really feel like he actually cares about his members.
I have worked with coaches in the past that weren’t very successful. I had hired somebody beforehand that didn’t really work out. I felt like that one was a transaction. Whereas, Pat’s really good at directing your conversation. When you are talking to him, he’s keeps you on point instead of just letting you ramble on for hours and hours.
If I could say something to Pat, it would be to thank him for making such a difference in my life and… It brings me to tears to say, “Thank you for helping me to become more confident and allow me to believe in myself…” Now, I don’t even see failure as an option anymore. That’s what I would tell him.