Show Notes
- Think of things that you create as “assets”
- They may not show up on a balance sheet, but they are invaluable
- Emails, podcasts, books, videos, systems – are not disposable
- You don’t need more content, you need more eyeballs on your content
- How can you improve vs starting from scratch?
- Use what you’ve already created in new ways
- Even documenting your systems can be built into something
- Get more mileage out of your social proof
- A franchise is just a package of systems and tools
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Full Transcript
Hey Pat Rigsby here and in this episode I want talk with you about how you can create more leverage in your business.
Welcome to The Fitness Business School podcast – the show for fitness business owners who want to grow their income, increase their impact and improve their lifestyle. Be sure to listen til the end of this episode, because we have a brand new special offer exclusive for listeners. So stay tuned.
Years ago, I started thinking of things that I was creating as assets. Now, they weren’t gonna be assets that showed up on a balance sheet and I’m sure that turned wasn’t gonna sit well with an accountant or anything like that. But what I was looking at it was like, well, how can I create something once and get more mileage out of that thing? And for me, I, there have been plenty of ways to create leverage in my business by, by doing just that. And, and I want to kind of teach this to you in this short episode, because yeah, they may not show up on a balance sheet because, but they’ll save you time. They will allow you to scale. They can be bundled and sold and they can build your brand in really in perpetuity, even if you just create something once. So you know, for me, things like my, my daily emails that I’ve sent for like 17 years email campaigns, like onboarding sequences, those, those types of things podcast, like, like this one that I’ve written sales pages that I’ve written scripts, that I’ve written ads, that I’ve created systems that I’ve developed St. Stories that I have or experienced this, that I have, or social proof, all that stuff. It, it’s not disposable in, unless you only use it in APO old fashion. A lot of things that get posted on social media are essentially disposable.
People think I need more and more and more content when all, all reality, what they need is more eyeballs on the content. They created create something really good. And then say, how can I get as much mileage out of this thing as possible? So a lot of times, you know, if I write an email, well, we may plug it into an autoresponder too, and not just send it out as a broadcast. We may post it on social platforms. I mean, we’ve posted ’em on Facebook and LinkedIn, we’ve, we’ve even created threads on Twitter, out of them, or almost like a carousel type post on Instagram, out of them. So you’re getting a lot of mileage out of those emails. And, and a lot of times I’ll go back and look at things that I’ve written and say, okay, how do I update this? How do I improve this instead of starting from scratch? Because the general premise was good, but maybe the way I think about it’s different, maybe the tactical stuff is a little bit dated. How do I update it with podcasts? You know, I, I, I’m recording this right now, but ultimately, you know, people may ING listen to things later. We can distribute this over and over and over. And, and I try to be really purposeful about talking about mostly things that are, you know, relatively timeless, right? They, they have some sort of perennial value. Sure. There are gonna be some time sensitive stuff. Like when we really were coaching to people on how to navigate the early stages of the pandemic.
There may be some stuff that we talk about that that gets to be kind of seasonal. But in general, you know, a podcast that I would record something I would teach, like what I’m talking about, right. This NA like right now in this moment, the, this same value held true to me 10 years ago. So I know it’s gonna have extra mileage for you if you, you know, I’m down the line so I can promote it that way. Books, I, I know that there are a couple books, one book, the first fitness business book that I wrote, I wrote in 2011 and I still periodically will get on a call with a prospective client and they’ll say, well, Hey, that’s the thing that led me to you. And that’s, you know, that’s over a decade old you know, I’ve, I’ve still got people reading books that, that I wrote five years ago is a, is kind of a, a way to connect with me. So I’m getting mileage out of those sales pages that I’ve written. Maybe I don’t use something verbatim, but I can use it as a template to, to understand the flow that I want. I can pull bullet points or headlines from something scripts that I use, you know, not only can I you know, use them and coach other people on my team, but I can give them to clients. I can edit them and make them relevant to, to, to serve different audiences.
A sales script in many cases is just a sales script if you’re selling a, a service. So the things that I might do in a sales call be relevant to the things that you might a sales call. We would just need to tweak the language a little bit ads, same thing, you know, again, we’re probably gonna refresh things, but we’re going to continue to go back to what worked you know, systems. I, I, my first information product that I launched with Eric Ruth in like 2005 was just documenting the systems in the business that I was running successfully, that, you know, I’d grown to over 400 clients in like 18 months on a shoestring budget. I just documented stuff, gave people our operations manual. And we not only sold a whole bunch of them, but it, it really kinda opened the door into me thinking more nationally or internationally instead of just locally as a business owner and then, you know, our success stories, our experiences, our social proof, we get a lot of mileage out of those things.
And, you know, I tell you this because you know, you, you have so much of this stuff already. You’ve got emails, you’ve got probably scripts that you’ve used ads that you’ve run social proof or your own set of experiences, your own systems. I mean, if you think about what a franchise is, for example, it is really just a compilation of a lot of these tools that I just alluded to. And a lot of these systems, and it’s just packaging it up and saying, Hey, this worked here. You can go use it there. I mean, that’s what I, a lot of certifications are. That’s what info products are that, that’s what coaching is. I mean, in many cases right now, I am the aggregator of stuff. It’s not just things that I’ve always personally done. It’s things that, you know, my clients have done that have worked.
So how can I transplant something that’s worked for one per person over here to this other person. So we have these assets, you can use them to scale your business. You can use them to certainly save yourself time or stress, or, you know, you can package ’em up and sell ’em to other people who would like those same benefits that you got from them. Or, you know, you can focus on, you know, building your brand through just making sure that you’re getting more distribution for the things that you create, but you don’t have to think of these things that, that you are creating as disposable as one time use things. And, and so many people do. And, and so many people feel overwhelmed and stressed out because they’re so busy and they’re busy doing things. Maybe they could just create it once and promote it for six days instead of creating six different things to promote one day. So hopefully that gives you an idea about how you can create more leverage in your business and get more mileage out of the work that you’re doing. It it’s something that can make you more money. It can save you time. And frankly, because you’re only gonna be keeping and deploying your greatest hits, it’s gonna build you a better business.
Thanks for listening to this episode of The Fitness Business School. Before you go, I have a quick announcement. When I first connect with a fitness business owners, they almost always asked me, how can I get more clients or make more money? Well, I have an exclusive offer for you, and it’s gonna help you do just that. As a listener of this show, you can test drive our business growth accelerator coaching program for FREE.
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