Show Notes
- You must have a unifying vision
- Treat the cause, not the symptoms
- Don’t chase shiny objects, know what you want
- Can you clearly see your “ideal why”?
- Who are you serving?
- What memorable things and details are there?
- How would your clients describe you?
- How is your business serving you?
- What is your income and schedule?
- Make your answers more specific
- Create map to follow to your successful ideal business
- Start filling in the gaps you see
- You need to have a destination before charting a course
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Full Transcript
Hey Pat Rigsby here and in this episode, I want to talk with you about how going in reverse can generate more income. Let’s get started.
Welcome to The Fitness Business School podcast – the show for fitness business owners who want to grow their income, increase their impact and improve their lifestyle. Be sure to listen til the end of this episode, because we have a brand new special offer exclusive for listeners. So stay tuned.
I talk a lot about creating your ideal business and when you know what your ideal business looks like, it becomes kind of like this unifying focus, this north star that guides you as to where to go and what to do when you know what you want looks like, and you hold that vision up in front of you. It really helps you decide what to do next. It gives you the guard rails and helps steer you towards where you’re going. But if you don’t know, and you don’t have that focus, that, that unifying vision, if you will, you start thinking about the fragmented parts a lot more, rather than the whole it’s like treating a symptom rather than treating the underlying cause maybe you get a little bit of temporary relief, but it’s not a cure right in your business.
If you just look at the parts independent of the actual vision as to where you’re trying to go, hiring team development, sales, marketing, client, experience, retention, everything else, right? If you look at them all as separate items, rather than the parts of this bigger whole than you cobbled together, this patchwork of solutions, rather than building the business that you want. Now, does that sound familiar? Because frankly it is what 95% of the business owners that I talked to do, they, they chase this shiny object or that shiny object. They see what one person’s doing over here or what another is doing over there. And they just kind of stitch it all together and they don’t ever kind of cross reference that with how it’s going to fit in towards propelling them towards where they want to go. But if you get clear about what your ideal business looks like, it really eliminates this problem.
So let’s take a couple of minutes and start developing what our version of ideal actually is. So the first step could be, as simple is thinking about what your perfect day in your ideal business might be. If you see it clearly, like what role are you playing? Are you training? Are you just kind of the mayor of the gym? Are you focused on marketing? Are you focused on operations? What is your role? What is the perfect day? Like when does it start? When does it end? And then who are the clients that you have in this perfect day? Like who’s walking through the door, who are you serving? Who are you helping to reach their goals? What kind of really cool memorable things are happening that caused those clients to easily refer their friends. How’s the energy, how’s the quality of coaching? What’s the facility look like? How? I mean, what’s the lighting, the sound, the, you know, the color scheme, the, even the smell and yeah, sure. That matters. But like, what is the atmosphere? You know? And then how would your clients actually describe you and your business? Right?
So that’s the kind of what it is in a practical sense. That’s the, the north star, if you will, that you were pursuing, that’s guiding you. Okay. You’re trying to move incrementally towards building that. And then the second kind of step or phase that we would go through when we’re trying to identify what ideal looks like, might be thinking about how the business is actually serving you because let’s face it. A lot of people start a business to escape something, a job. They don’t like the things that a, they don’t want, but they’re not thinking about what they’re trying to go towards. They’re not specific. So how’s your business serving you? What’s your personal income? How many hours are you working, working each week? Like what time do you wrap up? What, what do you like? What kind of days per week are you taking off? Do you take vacations? How does the business make you feel? Is it something that, you know, still you’re stressed out about all the time or are you fulfilled and happy? And you know, if you’re going on vacation or your working from home, some of the time, you know, what’s that look like? Where are you going? And how many hours are you coming in? Basically, what’s the business doing for you? And then the, the third step, if you think you’ve got this clear, you know, we we’ve talked about the business itself.
We’ve talked about how the business serves you. The owner will get clear, make the answers even more vivid, make them more specific because when somebody tells me things like bigger and more, or I want to work less, I mean, it’s not specific, right? We need to be crystal clear because in this fourth kind of step in this journey, we want to begin creating steps. That’ll take us there. You’re ready to craft your own map that you’re going to follow. Right? You’re going reverse engineer, this, this ideal business that you have all the way back towards where you are today. And, you know, I identify like where would your facility be? Would it be the same place or different, would it be online? What, what would that be? Right?
How would it look and feel different than it does today? The branding, the decor, the music, the cleanliness, where are you going to be able to find the clients that you want for that business? How are you going to be able to hire and train team members to deliver the experience that you envision? What, you know, what would that business be about? And then what would it never let happen? Right? What might that business do for the clients that its competitors would never do? And then hopefully at this point, you’re kind of getting the picture, right? Like you’re starting to see the gaps. You’re starting to say, well, okay, we’re, we’re pretty close in this one area, but we’ve got a long way to go in this other and you know, to craft a real map, it’s no different than any sort of GPS or app on your phone or whatever. You need a destination before you can plot a course. Now sure. There’s going to be detours of course, corrections along the way, but we need this clear destination and we, we kinda need to know, Hey, how much ground do we have to cover so we can plan accordingly.
And so if you want to build your ideal business, if you want more income, a better lifestyle, more impact, then you need to know what success looks like to you. And you need to be a realist about the gap between where you are and where you want to go then. And only then can you start to plot this course and get moving towards that ideal. Now I know that’s a lot to, to, to kind of unpack. So if you need any help with this, if this is something you do want to pursue, shoot me an email at [email protected]. And we’ll talk about how we can build your ideal business together.
Thanks for listening to this episode of The Fitness Business School. Before you go, I have a quick announcement. When I first connect with a fitness business owners, they almost always asked me, how can I get more clients or make more money? Well, I have an exclusive offer for you, and it’s gonna help you do just that. As a listener of this show, you can test drive our business growth accelerator coaching program for FREE.
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