Show Notes
- Pat is sharing 5 things that he is honed in on for 2021
- The first one is Focus
- Start mediocre, then improve, but stay focused
- 80-20 Rule
- Narrow and commit to a few things that are working
- Do great work
- Consistently be taking action
- Know. Your. Numbers.
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Full Transcript
Hey, Pat Rigsby here. And in this episode I want to share five tips with you that will help you be more successful in 2021. Let’s get to it.
Welcome to the fitness business school with Pat Rigsby, the podcast for fitness entrepreneurs who want to make more income, have greater impact, and enjoy more freedom in their ideal business. If you’d like an accelerated route to these goals, email me at [email protected] and put BGA in the subject line and I’ll get you all the details about our business growth accelerator program.
In this episode I will share some of the things that I’ve been thinking about to really kind of dial in my planning for 2021. Every year, I spend a considerable amount of time putting together my annual plan for the upcoming year and making sure that I’ve got my proverbial ducks in a row to to, to hit the ground running, to get some momentum, to focus on the things that I want to focus on. So I wanted to share with you five things that I am really kind of dialed in on at the moment.
The first is focus. I see a lot of people who they’ll they’ll dabble in any number of things. They’ll, you know, they’ll run a Facebook ad and it doesn’t convert. And so immediately they abandoned Facebook ads or they’ll start a podcast and do three episodes. And because they don’t have a podcast that ranks on iTunes or something like that, they’re ready to move to the next thing. They chase shiny objects and they don’t really hone in and become great at any one thing. So the first tip I would say is focus, commit to doing things that are really high level and understand that you’re probably going to have to be bad at something or experienced very limited success with something before you’re going to hit later. And you’re going to reap the rewards. I mean, from my perspective, you’re not going to be great at anything worth being great at unless you’ve earned it. So you’re probably going to have to be pretty mediocre at it first. So focus on what is important, focus on things that you’re going to commit to doing at a high level. I know that’s something that I’m really honed in on for 2021, and I would recommend you be as well.
The second thing I would say is adhere to the 80-20 rule. If you review your previous year or two years, I mean, you can even go back three, four, five years, if you like, you’re going to see that certain things really stood out above everything else and drove your success. There are going to be things that, that really were the golden ticket, if you will. I mean, maybe it was a way that you marketed, maybe it was a campaign that you had, maybe it was a, a particular type of offering that you delivered. And it’s easy for us to incrementally kind of drift away from that, especially after us kind of having to cobble together things through the pandemic just to get by in some cases. So my suggestion is really pick, you know, like when it comes to marketing, pick two to four things and commit to those things and kind of revert back to what I just talked about with focus really commit to those two to four, three things and say, okay, I’m going to be the best in my respective market or in my respective category at these things, and I’m not going to get distracted by all the varied opportunities that are out there, all the different tactics that people are recommending. Maybe they all work, but there’s only so much of each of us to go around. So we can’t spread ourselves too thin. And besides even if we did then would be giving up a lot of what we want from our business anyway, and some of that’s freedom. So take the 80-20 rule to heart and don’t try to do all things really narrow and commit whether it comes to the attract unit and dialing in on two to four marketing tactics that convert unit really honing in on a single sales process or the delivery unit pick one or two deliverables and say, Hey, this is where we’re going to be the best in our respective market.
So that’s two, number three, do great work. Now that seems probably a little bit cliche, but bear with me. When I think of doing great work being a business growth tactic, not just sustaining your business, I think of it like this. I think that if you’re going to be delivering a service, the difference between doing enough to retain your clients and sustain your business, versus having a, having a service that is referral worthy and people spread the word about, and people are really becoming advocates for the, the difference in effort on your part, isn’t that much. But the difference in business growth is exponential. If you’re going to offer a program, commit to that program, being the best in its respective category in your market. And now you’ve got something that people talk about. You’ve got something that’s easy to ask for referrals from your clients who are part of it. You’ve got something that, you know, you don’t have to worry about there being a revolving door. When a new business comes to town, the shiny object kind of comes into play. You don’t have to worry about people jumping ship and going to try that out. So when it comes to your service, that’s doing great work. When it comes to doing great work is kind of the opposite of what I hear people say a lot, which is I just need to get some content out, which the world doesn’t need more content. There’s more information than there’s ever been by many multiples. There’s so much information that people can’t really sift through it. So if you’re going to put something out there, make sure that it’s great. Make sure that it’s so good that you can get some more mileage from it. Make sure that it’s something that, Hey, if I write something or film a video that that is somewhat timeless that I can reuse. It’s going to save you time later, too, because you know, you have this asset that you can put into play later. Maybe if it’s written content, you can piece multiple ones together and come up with a lead magnet, a special report, a book. If it’s videos, you might be able to come up with a series and use it in a different fashion. So if you do great work with the content that you’re putting out there with the, the attract unit and convert unit material that I talk about so often that’s stuff that you’re not only going to get a better response. You’re going to stand out and be attractive to your target market. But you’re also going to be able to save time later on because they’re going to be able to reuse it time and time again.
The fourth thing is making sure that we’re always taking action. Again, it seems very, you know, it seems very much common sense, but a lot of this stuff is if you were taking action moving towards your goal, it doesn’t really matter if you’re taking a small step or a giant leap. You’re making progress. You’re winning the moment you’re winning the day. And so many people they think in terms of, you know, these big grandiose dreams, but they don’t do anything to move towards them. They’re never gaining ground on their target or they’ll spend all their time in research mode. There’s, there’s basically kind of this production side and consumption side. And most people spend a lot more time on the consumption side. They’re, they’re studying, they’re listening to podcast or they’re attending webinars. They maybe they’re reading books or articles, but they’re not taking what they’re learning. They’re not taking what they observed at a seminar and took notebooks worth of notes on. They’re not putting it into action. So they’re not applying it and reaping the rewards because it’s not what you know, it’s what you do. It’s what you will apply. So take action on a continual basis. It doesn’t have to be massive. We talk very regularly about having a big three each day and you know, that’s our, the stuff we want to move forward on. It’s not the things that we’re doing to sustain where we are. We’ve already plotted those in our calendar, but with the remaining time, we want to have one, two, three different things that we’re doing in any given day to take action towards our goals.
And finally, the fifth tip I have for you is know your numbers. You don’t need to be a spreadsheet enthusiastic. You don’t need to scour over that stuff constantly, but there are probably three to five numbers that you can look at in your business and have a really good handle as to whether or not you’re making progress. There are objective measures to know that your moving towards where you want. And invariably, when I talked to business owners that struggle, they usually are not people who have a great handle on their numbers. They don’t know their retention rate. They don’t know how many leads they got last month. They don’t know their closing percentage. So pick three to five numbers that you are confident can give you a snapshot of the health of your business, of of the rewards of the effort that you’re putting in, because let’s face it. If you know your numbers, you become more efficient and more effective because you can spend more time on what’s working and move away from. What’s not so five tips to help you be more successful in 2021. I know I’m going to be focused on them and I suggest you do as well.
Thanks for listening. I’m giving away a bundle of my bestselling books, the ideal business formula, the fitness entrepreneur handbook in the path. All you have to do is go to to get it. Also, make sure to subscribe to The Fitness Business School with Pat Rigsby so you don’t miss an episode and you get yourself on the fast track to creating your ideal business.