Michelle Smith is the founder of Peak Soccer Conditioning LLC, Colorado Springs’ only dedicated soccer strength and conditioning company. They offer soccer specific, focused, evidence-based, periodized fitness training programs that are designed to help develop and maximize athletic performance through speed, agility, reaction time, acceleration, maximal speed, explosive power, strength and flexibility training; all of which assist with the acquisition of soccer skills and reduce the risk of injury.

After working with semi-professional soccer teams in the UK, Michelle had decided to create an online business working with soccer moms, but she realized that this isn’t what she really wants to do.

She shared that her passion is working with youth athletes, which is where she wants to focus her business on. Michelle is looking to grow her business in the direction she knows she wants to go, but finds herself stuck, so we need to identify what her limitations are.

Building up any youth sports program, it can function a lot like the adult market in that you start with some sort of low-barrier opportunity for somebody to experience what you have to offer.

Currently Michelle’s email database has been neglected, and offering these clinics will allow her to grow her database and be able to stay in front of the athletes.

I think that if she is able to build that kind of trust and add that kind of value, eventually she will reap massive rewards from it.



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Would you be interested in discussing?

If so, email me here with ‘interested’ in subject line and we’ll set up a chat.